Human-flamingos, queer pokemons and other unique creatures at the BioFeral camp in Crete
The latest camp in the BioFeral.BeachCamp series of Ionian University’s Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence program was held in Crete at the end of September. Lynn Hagan immerses us in the queer world of the organizers and participants of this decidedly feral lab.

Feral Circuits: Rewilding electro-cultures at HomeMade 2024
Reflections on a journey to the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society’s Homemade summer camp from July 27 to August 4, 2024 by Miranda Moss, laureate of the Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation grant.

Electric Wonderland: The chilly willy of maker camps, run by wizards
From july 21 to 28, the 6th edition of Electric Wonderland in Baške Oštarije, Croatia. gathered makers, tinkerers and artists. Makery was there sketching their secrets.

Hackers & Designers: a summer camp challenging power through collective making and being
For ten days in July, Hackers & Designers held the 2024 edition of their summer camp with a program full of workshops, interventions, communal activities, radio sessions, and collective experiments centered on the topic of “Unruly Currents & Everyday Piracy”.

Cultivamos Cultura: down the bio-art rabbit hole
From July 1 to 19, Cultivamos Cultura held its bio-art Summer School in Sao Luis, Portugal. Roger Pibernat, Makery’s resident columnist for the Feral Labs Network, was there.

(Français) NØ School : Apprendre à s’émanciper du capitalisme
Depuis 2019, les artistes Benjamin Gaulon et Dasha Ilina tiennent chaque année à Nevers, en Bourgogne, la NØ School, une école alternative pour imaginer un modèle hors du capitalisme et de la pensée extractiviste. Les deux fondateurs nous expliquent leur vision.

Field Notes: Recalibrating perspectives and observing the environment in Lapland
This year, 23 participants immersed themselves in nature during an art residency at the Kilpisjärvi biological station around the theme of

Austria: meet the Smiths of the Schmiede festival
From September 13 to 23, the Schmiede festival took place, bringing together artists, hackers, coders, videographers and more. Makery was there and draws their portraits.

Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence (TTT): “Rethinking the Wolf” in Malta
Spotlighting its legendary themes of Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science, TTT founder and director Dalila Honorato spoke with Makery before the opening of TTT 2023 (September 27-29) in Valetta, Greece.

Summer school at Cultivamos Cultura: Taking time to inhabit Portugal’s wild Alentejo
This year marked Cultivamos Cultura’s 11th Summer School program based in the village of São Luís, just north of Portugal’s vast coastal Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Nature Park.

Artlabo Retreat: a week of creating in and with nature
In early June, Ultra and Makery co-hosted Artlabo Retreat on the island of Batz in Britanny, France. One week of creating together, with the island at the heart of the activities.

Exploring science and intimacy through artificial reproduction in Greece
For ten days from May 5-14, 2023, ten artists came together for the inaugural TTTlabs BioFeral.BeachCamp in Corfu, Greece to explore assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

Schmiede 2022: Enter the labyrinth of ideas
For the past 20 years, the Smiths of Schmiede have been gathering in the Old Saline of Hallein in Austria. Ten days of wild collaboration that culminate in an extravagant group exhibition.

Catch x Softer: Softening technology
Catch Summer Camp: la space to learn, meet, exchange and imagine a world where technology is welcoming. A bit of softness in a world of (techno) brutes.

Listen to the immersive soundscapes of PIFcamp
Julien Bellanger, co-founder of the Ping association in Nantes and head of development at Radio Jet FM, captured PIFcamp’s site-specific soundscapes in the Slovenian Alps.